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Saturday, October 19, 2013

7th Annual Holocaust and Genocides event on Sunday January 26, 2014 at Unity Dallas.

 7th Annual Holocaust and Genocides

The Foundation for Pluralism, Memnosyne Foundation, World Muslim Congress, America Together Foundation, and the Dallas Peace Center have teamed up in organizing the 7th Annual Holocaust and Genocides on Sunday, January 26, 2014.

Highlight: Holocaust, Genocides of Native Americans and 2002 Gujarat Massacre, India.
Theme: Sparks of Hatred and how to extinguish them

Click on picture to get full version

Due to sensibility of the event, we want to assure each one that it is an all inclusive event, over the last several years, we have focused on Holocaust and several Genocides across the world, and we hope to commemorate every one of them.  This is a symbolic event to represent all Genocides and the Jewish Holocaust.

The purpose of this event is education, we hope to learn to acknowledge our failings, and our mission is to create awareness of the inhumanity within each one of us to find the solutions.

The founder of the event, Mike Ghouse said, “This event is a culmination of my life long anguish that I carried when my mother prevented me, the ten year old from reading the book – Eichmann, the killer of 6 million Jews. All along I wanted to tell the Jewish people, that I understand your helplessness and betrayal you felt during the Holocaust, there was no friend left. I am with you in your pain, anguish and healing.  This event is to build bridges between Muslims, Jews and fellow humanity, and we all have to learn to say Never again. ”

Hate is one of the many sources of disrupting peace in a smoothly functioning society,  and it is our duty, both individually and severally to track down the source of such hate and work on mitigating it. Indeed, each one of us needs to do our share of work. It is also our moral responsibility to support law and order and faithfully guard the safety of every citizen.

The spark of hatred will not disappear through the enforcement of law alone, it would be temporarily on and off the radar, but will reappear with vengeance at every little conflagration in the form of subtle to blunt Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Gay bashing, racism, xenophobia and discounting women.  No one will live in peace, as long as we keep messing with one’s space, sustenance and nurturence.

Injustices from the past will not fall off the earth, they continue to linger and eat away peace between individuals and nations. We have to take the responsibility to to bring a closure to the loose ends of many conflicts, so we all can trust each other and feel safe, and focus on the collective prosperity of all.

The program will address preventing such occurrences, and most importantly, how to bring closure to these sparks and work on building cohesive societies, where no human has to live in apprehension or fear of the other.

Your role

Please mark the calendar, invite your friends and invite sponsors for the event and share about this among your friends. We also would like to list all the organizations who commit to be present at the event. All donors over $100 will be listed on this website.

Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk of Memnosyne Foundation, and I will be co-chairing this event and will be issuing press releases together. 

Mike Ghouse Co-Chair
(214) 325-1916/ text or talk
7th Annual Holocaust and Genocides
2665 Villa Creek Dr, Suite 206
Dallas, TX 75234
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The Genesis of Holocaust and Genocides commemoration

Draft in process, its my personal story

I was ten years old, and my mother held me back from reading the book, "Eishman 60 lakh yahudiyon ka qatil" - Eichman, killer of 6 million Jews in Urdu Language to protect me from the anxiety. I was probably 10 and had read a lot of her books, except this one. I stole the book and saw the images, and it shut me down for a long time.

 The fear of seeing the images of Holocaust, particularly where they were shot into into ditches, had prevented me  from seeing WWII movies for nearly 54 years of my life. Never had the guts to see the sense of betrayal they expressed on their faces, but never begged any one to save their life... I have held them in a very high esteem for the dignified death they faced.

We held the first public commemoration of the 9/11 event at Frisco Convention Center, about 650 People attended the event, about 10 Mayors and several Police and fire chiefs, and clergy from every faith was represented in the event.   Mayor Joe Chow was speaking and the Fire Alarm went off... creating a panic. My Jewish friends in the front row dashed out, I saw the fear in their eyes, and that bothered me to no end. No human should be afraid of the other.

It was a false Alarm, Mayor Simpson announced it within 3 minutes for the people to come back, the Fire Marshal was on the way to shut down the Alarm, and I asked the FBI Chief Guadalupe Gonzalez to assure the people... while all this was happening Mayor Chow continued with his speech.

That fear prompted me to do something about it, not sure what.

 The United Nations made a proclamation to commemorate Holocaust  on January 27, 2006.  All the images were coming back to me. I called my friends with the idea of commemorating the event, and thus began this journey. The purpose is education, hitherto, Yom HaShoah was commemorated in Synagogues only, and for the first time in history, the Muslims took the intiative to say to the Jewish friends, that we are with you in the most somber moment of your life.

The first commemoration lifted a huge burden off me. I felt the relief, then also felt guilty that I should not feel the relief. It was a freedom, mukti, nirvana.... There are incredible stories associated with this journey of harassment, threats, bias, prejudices... we have made though it all. Many dropped me from their list of friends... It has not been an easy story. Maria Arita of Fox News and I had a heart to heart on this, and she probably can share the full story some day, may be, we ill write a chapter together.

Press Releases for 7th Annual Holocaust and Genocides Event

A list of Press Releases will be posted here,

1. http://holocaustandgenocides.blogspot.com/2013/10/7th-annual-holocaust-and-genocides.html

Registration for the 7th Annual Holocaust and Genocides event

Registration details will be listed

Please send and email to ConfirmAttendance@gmail.com
with your full name and the names of individuals attending.
Please add phone number if you wish to e called.

Thank you.

Logos for the 7th Annual Holocaust and Genocides event

A set of logos to fit in different places will be developed.
You can download and share.

