Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas - The Foundation for Pluralism, the World Muslim Congress and several participating organizations invite you to III Annual Reflections on Holocaust and Genocides, a purposeful event to create awareness of the inhumanity in all of us, and discover solutions for peaceful co-existence. No community should bear the burden alone, we must be in it together.
This Link: http://holocaustandgenocides.blogspot.com/2009/10/iii-annual-reflections-on-holocaust.html
PDF Poster: http://www.foundationforpluralism.com/Images_HolocaustDay/Holocaust-and-Genocides-Poster_122809-.pdf
JPG Poster: http://www.foundationforpluralism.com/Images_HolocaustDay/Holocaust-and-Genocides-Poster-122809.jpg
WHEN :: 5:00 PM, Sunday, January 24, 2010
WHERE :: Center for Spiritual Living, 4801 Spring Valley, Dallas Texas 75244
WHO :: Individuals from every faith, ethnicity and race as well as leaders from civic, spiritual and business communities. No one is excluded.
COST :: The event is free, the only requirement is a firm confirmation by email to: i.will.attend.holocaust.event@gmail.com
WHAT :: People of every faith, race, ethnicity, culture and background will gather to express our commitment to co-existence, Unity, safety, prosperity and well being of every human being.
Learn about the acts of courage of common people; who dared Nazi pogroms against fellow beings; who defied the acts of Genocides; who survived the massacres; and here at home, how the indigenous Americans have dealt with it.
It is time for us to "act united" and come together from every faith, race, ethnicity, culture and background to express our commitment to co-existence, security and well being of every human being. Let's act like one family.
MISSION: Our Mission is to create awareness of the inhumanity within us and find solutions for sustainable co-existence for a safer and a secure world.
It takes guts to acknowledge that some one from our ethnicity, race, nationality or faith has committed atrocities, but when we do that, it will empower us to be peacemakers. Indeed it will bring peace to all. It is the right thing to do.
We cannot have security and peace when others around us don't. It is in our long term interests and security to abandon "me, me and me" and adapt "we, we and us"
We will do our best to list, recite and acknowledge each Genocide, and request you to take the responsibility to make the list complete. No one’s pain is lesser or greater than the other’s. This program allows us to reflect without blaming, forgiving but not forgetting, empathize without bias and learn to value life, every God given life.
Please remember the event is a reflection on your part as an individual, and peaceful, purposeful change towards making the society a better place.
You have the power to make a difference.
The first step in doing the right thing is, to commit to ourselves as individuals, in our own hearts, minds and souls to say “never again” to any and all atrocities and brutalities towards other human beings at home and abroad. Then we are lining up speakers to share the next steps.
INVITATION :: Your presence is requested to express solidarity with Americans; it is being an American regardless of one’s faith, ethnicity or race. It is about experiencing the sense of unity with fellow Americans with our own uniqueness and re-dedicating our pledge to liberty and justice for one and all.
We are looking for volunteers and sponsors. Details are on the website: http://www.holocaustandgenocides.com/
We prefer contributions of $100/individual, giving every individual a chance to support the event. Sponsorship for the full program is also welcome, at this time the budget is $5000.00. All funding will be accounted on this website.
Your organization can participate as a supporting or a sponsoring organization. All funds received will be listed on the website http://www.holocaustandgenocides.com/
This is an initiative of World Muslim Congress and the Foundation for Pluralism towards creating a better world. The program will be taped in its entirety.
Thank you.
Mike Ghouse, Chair
(214) 325-1916
Reflections on Holocaust and Genocides
email: HolocaustandGenocides@gmail.com
personal email: MikeGhouse@aol.com
Website: http://www.holocaustandgenocides.com/