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NOTE: A few links are not working as we failed to transfer the information from our old site foundation for pluralism to the new Center for Pluralism. We are working on it and hope to restore the links to pictures and videos soon.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

II Annual “Reflections on Holocaust and Genocides"

II ANNUAL REFLECTIONS ON HOLOCAUST & GENOCIDES Website: http://www.holocaustandgenocides.org/

Our Mission is to create awareness of the inhumanity in all of us,
and discover solutions for peaceful co-existence.

Sunday, January 25, 2009 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

• Master of Ceremonies: Imam Zia Shaikh
• Opening : Bernie Mayoff
• Purpose - Mike Ghouse
• Silent Prayer to acknowledge Holocaust and Genocides
• Signs of Genocide – Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk
• Abridged Documentary on Holocaust and Genocides
• Key Note Speaker - Bryan Mark Rigg, Ph.D., Historian and Author
• Vision –Mike Ghouse
• Stations Two – Nancy Rebal
• Benediction - Todd Collier
• Refreshments - Maryam Ruhullah

An American Muslim initiative, sponsored by Memnosyne Foundation
Dallas Peace Center Universal Peace Federation Today Marks the Beginning
www.WorldMuslimCongress.com www.MemnosyneFoundation.org

Continued: http://www.foundationforpluralism.com/Articles/Holocaust-and-Genocides-Press-Release-011709.asp

Monday, January 12, 2009


Please go to the website
for all the updated information.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 2009 5:00 PM to 7:15 PM
Unity Church, 6525 Forest Ln, Dallas, TX 75230

The Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas Holocaust Museum, Memnosyne Foundation and the World Muslim Congress have come together to commemorate the Holocaust and Genocides. Our Mission is to create an awareness of the inhumanity in all of us and at the same time, discover and create solutions for peaceful co-existence. We need to remind ourselves frequently to do our share to make the world a better place to live, vow to say “never again” to human atrocities, and at this annual occasion dare to practice the power of forgiveness.

The event this year will be unique. We are hosting a gallery displaying a few pictures of the horrors humans have inflicted upon other humans. Furthermore after receiving Desmond Tutu's signature and blessing on STATIONS ONE, we are introducing "STATIONS TWO: An Interactive Public Artwork." It is a 6 foot "Black Cube" gathering inscriptions and recording voices of forgiveness as has never seen or heard before on the international stage.

Master of Ceremonies: Imam Zia Shaikh, Islamic Scholar and the Imam
Purpose – Mike Ghouse
Signs of Genocide – Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk
Silent Prayer to acknowledge Holocaust and Genocides
A Ten minutes abridged Documentary on Holocaust and Genocides
Key Note Speaker - Bryan Mark Rigg, Historian and Author
Recognitions – Elliott Dlin and Mike Ghouse
Stations Two – Nancy Rebal and Todd Collier

Confirm your attendance and Invite friends to: ConfirmAttendance@gmail.com

Supporting Organizations: Dallas Holocaust Museum, Dallas Peace Center, World Muslim Congress, Memnosyne Foundation, Universal Peace Federation and Today Marks the Beginning.

Call in to list your organization

Please feel free to contact the following individuals:
Elly Dlin (214) 741-7500
Nancy Rebal (214) 948-4948
Rev. Todd Collier (214) 228-5695
Maryam Ruhullah (214) 407-2956
Mike Ghouse (214) 325-1916

An initiative of American Muslims; a commitment to build bridges between communities

Thank you.

Mike Ghouse, Event Chair